Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How come?

How come you can do it like this??

How come you can do this decision??

How come you can childish like this??

This is your second time do it,you know??

Is your girlfriend call you do it??

Impossible!! Is your problem right?


Why you so care of my presence?

Are you scare??Scare for what?? 

You fall in love.....
and I didn't disturb you......
so why you need to do something so ridiculous?

Unless you have not put it down......
You should thinking it I not exist....in your life......

May I ask her “ are we friend?"
I think no......cause she has show it......

Why break up couple who each can not be friend??

Actually, really disappointed she will do this decision,
the decision is not she fall in love,
is disappointed her EQ or IQ, I don't know......

You know you do it will hurt some people?(sneer again)
With your intelligence you would not understand.......

Can allows you removed it two time,
but, you don't have third chance....... 

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